Frequency Clearings


embody your highest timeline and manifest your dream reality

Tap into the version of yourself in the Quantum Field that is already living your dream life and create these changes in your present life

"QSA is the best life roadmap!"

“This program is like Google Maps for Quantum Shifting. Going through it feels like seeing color after being color-blind your whole life.”


100+ Reviews • Excellent
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It is NOT another cookie-cutter abstract manifestation program. 

It is a energy healing system.

A system designed to get you to a Quantum Leap in your life.

This is NOT about small changes at the mental or mindset level.
This is a program where you finally make it all happen and shift your identity. For good.

Your life will NEVER be the same.

This program is the moment that changed everything for me

“I know when I’m on my deathbed many decades from now, when I look back at my life I will be able to pinpoint this class as when everything changed for me.”

- C.M. (US)

I feel I have been re-born!

“Your gift is out of this world! I’m so grateful to have met you. I feel I have been re-born! I have so much optimism and enthusiasm for the future.”

- X.K. (Spain)

Thanks to QSA I got the most loving and stable relationships in my life

“It’s been really life-changing… Four months ago I was alone, afraid, and unmotivated… Now, I have a partner with whom I’ve had the most stable and loving relationship in my life.”

- D.L. (Japan)


This program is for you if:

You've been on this healing/manifesting journey for a while but things are just not changing fast enough

No matter what tools have you tried over the years – therapy, meditations, affirmations, Reiki – you still feel capped by an invisible ceiling

Every year you set ambitious goals that never come to life

‘I’m going to make a quantum leap in my career!’
I will meet my soulmate!’
‘I will get in the best shape in my life!’
But no matter how many times you make the commitment, it just never happens

Your biggest challenge in manifesting is consistency

One self-help book or program after another – they bring some progress in your life. But just some time later you find yourself in exactly same patterns and scenarios

You used to have big dreams for you life but now you don’t know if they will ever come true 

Marrying the love of your life, building a great business, earning lots of money, being happy and fulfilled – what was it for you? At what point did you give up on them and decide to become ‘realistic’?

If only life could have some kind of instruction manual…


10 years. That’s exactly how many years it took me to discover one main ingredient to LASTING manifestation that no one talks about…

For 10 straight years I felt
lost and unfulfilled.

And life was feeling “blah” and dull. 

I mean, I had dreams… But I couldn’t generate lasting energy around them, no matter WHAT I did! (Spiritual, physical, emotional.)

Affirmations, mindset, and meditations fell flat. Something in me knew they weren’t getting to the root cause of my stuckness.

They made me feel nice temporarily, but were they REALLY changing anything?

Day in and day out, I would ask myself, “Am I just meant to live a mediocre life?”

I wanted results – AND the truth. I was determined to find out why some people seemed destined for more, and while others, like me, felt limited – no matter how hard I tried.

At the start of 2022, I became obsessed with understanding how energy works to create our reality. And that’s when the truth struck me.

You never manifest what you want.
You manifest who you are being.

This hit me like a ton of bricks. And after this realization, I put together all of the knowledge and tools I learned through my journey. I stopped TRYING to change my physical reality.

Instead I created a system that allowed me to become an energetic match to my desires.

After applying my own blueprint, there was a DRAMATIC shift in my reality.

In just 1 year:

I went from barely making $2K/month to $630K+/ year (in. just. a. year)

My marriage became deeper, harmonious, and supportive.

My story isn’t unique.

Since 2023 I’ve taught hundreds of people this blueprint on how to make a Quantum Shift and activate that greater potential within. My clients meeting their soulmates, getting new jobs, starting new businesses and 2x their incomes.

And you can do it, too.

Introducing Quantum Shift Accelerator

Quantum Shift Accelerator is a 3-month energy healing accelerator where you will identify and release your energy blocks that keep you stuck from manifesting your dream reality. You will shift your identity at a blueprint level, and align you to your highest timeline at a speed that you didn’t think was possible. 

In these 90 days, you will transform. You will finally remember who you are and why you came here so you can manifest the life you were meant to live.

Over the course of these 3 months, you will learn practical Manifestation Techniques that you can use in everyday life; listen to energy-infused frequency clearings that tackle different blocks and abundance codes, and engage in reflection/action exercises at the end of every week.

This program is for people who are done just wanting change in their lives and are finally ready to make it happen – and become a creator of their reality.

12 Modules

24 hours of content that will help you understand how energy works to create your reality, and where you are in the process of elevating.

24 Frequency Clearings

You’ll be activating higher levels of consciousness and raising your frequency so you can release old energy holding you back and open new timelines of possibilities in your field.


Practical exercises to accelerate this energy process at a mental and emotional level, create a deeper connection between your conscious mind and your higher guidance system.

1 Facebook Group

That will supercharge your shifts with the acceleration of the mastermind.

Time Commitment: 2 hours per week

With QSA, you’ll wake up everyday knowing you’re awakening your full potential

Ready for your Quantum Shift?

Check out what my clients have achieved in only 3 months

From being stuck at 9-5
To Building Her Dream Business

Joysie quit her unsatisfying 9-to-5, found her life purpose as a career coach, started her business, and grew her income.

From Toxic Relationships
To Her Dream Marriage

Em went from repeating the same scenarios and patterns in relationships to finding her soulmate and getting married, experiencing a transformative shift in her love life.

From Rejections
To An Unexpected Dream Career

After being in a job hunt for months and receiving lots of rejections, Megan cleared her energy blocks in QSA and landed a new opportunity as an executive in a completely different sphere.

From Struggling in Business
To Doubling Her Revenue

Before QSA, Jen spent $20,000+ on expensive coaching programs to grow her business. During QSA, she cleared the blocks that were stopping her from growing and made a huge income breakthrough.

The Quantum Shift Accelerator is Your Shortcut to Success

Without QSA

With QSA

After 90 days in this program you will

1. Release Your Energy Blocks

You’ll release the old energy garbage that has been stored in your energy field for years (even decades). You’ll finally regain control over your life.

2. Remember Who You Are 

You’ll connect with your higher self – as you release the blocks, patterns, self-destructive thoughts, societal and family patterns. You’ll finally remember that you are a magical being, and a powerful creator of your own reality.

3. Connect To Your Purpose 

Whether it’s changing careers or rebuilding your existing one, your sense of true purpose clarifies. You won’t just exist anymore – you’ll finally start living.

4. Experience a Quantum Shift 

Your internal shift will reflect externally. You’ll open the path to materializing the life you want in a way you never thought possible.

But most importantly...

You'll become an energy match to your desired reality 

This is it.

This is the main goal of the program.

Not to drown you in hours of content.

Not to make you meditate 2 hours/day.

Not even make you feel good in the moment.

After this program, you become the energy
magnet for your manifestations.


Program Curriculum 

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Module 1. Identify Your Current Reality

Do an audit of your life so you can see your reality and your triggers more clearly. Release false stories so you can act from a place of truth and power.

Week 1 - Present Reality
  • Take stock of your current reality and use it to observe your unconscious patterns in relationships, career, money, and identity.
  • Learn how to shift your energy → shift your reality → shift your timeline
  • 3 Frequency Clearings: Elevate Your Frequency, Release Worry Block, Release Fear Block,
Week 2 - Feel Your Body
  • End the vicious cycle of avoidance when it comes to unpleasant emotions
  • Use your body as a tool and begin reframing triggers as invitations to expand
  • 2 Frequency Clearings: Connect with Your Body, Release Victim Block
Week 3 - Merging with Past Versions of You
  • Seek out and unearth energies keeping you stuck based on your past
  • Learn how to make peace with your past so you can become the most potent, “singular” version of yourself possible
  • 2 Frequency Clearings: Merge with Your Past Self, Release Abuse Block
Week 4 - Limiting Paradigms
  • Your reality limits your beliefs, not the other way around
  • Understand how to reach the “edge” of your limiting beliefs and “burn” them
  • 2 Frequency Clearings: Identify Your Edges, Release Control Block
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Module 2. Align Into Your Power

Clear the frequencies tied to everything that’s holding you back. Resolve triggers and face them once more so you can release them for good.

Week 5 - Dissolve Your Edges
  • Go deeper into “burning” the negative energy from your field permanently
  • Learn how to shift from being the victim of your life to the creator of your reality
  • 2 Frequency Clearings: Dissolve Your Edges, Release Sacrifice Block
Week 6 - The Art of Letting Go
  • Get clear on the energetic consequences of holding on to past events, people, emotions, or circumstances
  • Learn why you can’t easily “let things go” and step back into your empowered state
  • 2 Frequency Clearings: Letting Go, Release Underdog Block
Week 7 - Hold Your Space
  • Learn how to set clear boundaries and flip the narrative of guilt when it comes to setting them so you can make space for breakthroughs
  • Unpack the relationships in your life (family, friends, lovers) where you hold poor boundaries and get strategies for setting them anyway
  • 3 Frequency Clearings: Hold Your Space, Release Pride Block
Week 8 - Challenge Your Beliefs
  • Learn how to leverage discomfort for growth by facing the patterns keeping you small
  • Understand how to create true alignment by using challenges to upgrade your reality
  • 2 Frequency Clearings: Leveraging Challenge, Release Split Identity Block
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Module 3. Shift Into Your Highest Timeline

Begin to activate your true essence and embody your Higher Self. This is where life starts to flow, changes start reflecting at an accelerated pace and synchronicities come into your field.

Week 9 - Stoke the Desire for Change
  • Start seeing how all of life is a game and how you can begin playing to win
  • Start becoming truly aligned in action and welcome in the potential for change
  • X Frequency Clearings: Desire for Change,
Week 10 - Go into the Fire
  • Start stepping into the fire of change so you can embody your power and highest potential
  • Learn how to face discomfort with grace so you can start stepping into your success - with your career, your relationships, your money, your health
  • 2 Frequency Clearings: Step into the Fire, Release Anger Block
Week 11 - Mechanics of Manifestation
  • Start understanding on a deep level what your relationship is to your desires and your attachment to your manifestations
  • Discover how to use the challenges as invitations to process out the energy of resistance in your field so you can become a vibrational match to your manifestations
  • X Frequency Clearings: Mechanics of Manifestation
Week 12 - Surrender
  • Learn how to remove energetic blocks by tapping into the energy of receiving and being in flow
  • Step into your creator identity and begin opening up the channels to have what you desire
  • 3 Frequency Clearings: Surrender and Flow, Release Indecision Block, Release ‘Never Enough’ Block

It doesn’t stop here

On Top of My Signature Blueprint

You’ll get very special bonuses


11-Day Reset Your Reality Program

Get the 11-Day Reset Your Reality program to help you further integrate the work in Quantum Shift Accelerator.


Upgrade Your Reality Bundle

Get 9 hours of frequency-infused lectures to remove your self-sabotage patterns, connect with your true confidence, and magnetize you to your true love. With this bundle, you get to go deep into these specific areas of your life and start truly embodying the energy of your ideal self.


1 Year's Membership to the Quantum Circle

You’ll get 1 year’s access to Quantum Circle–Paget’s exclusive community with a vault of thousands of dollars worth of workshops, programs and LIVE group clearings. You can find out more about Quantum Circle here.


14-Module Quantum Love Program

This is one of Paget’s most powerful programs that will allow you to connect to the deepest levels of self-love so you can attract it into your reality. The program will go live in August and you’ll have lifetime access.


Unlocking Codes of Abundance Program

The 22-days Frequency Clearings Series that will tackle all main blocks around money and will activate your abundance codes. These are not meditations; it’s deep energy work that will shift your identity around finances, help you break through financial ceilings, and establish healthy relationships with money. 

The program will be LIVE and will start on March 29. 

Paired up with Quantum Shift Accelerator, it will help you to reach a new level of abundance you’ve never had before.


here is how QUANTUM SHIFT ACCELERATOR will help


You’ll learn how to get into energetic alignment with your highest timeline and STAY there so you can manifest naturally.

This is not based in mindset or thought. It’s based on the mechanics of frequencies that make up our reality.


You will be shown the codes behind the matrix of your reality and learn how to shift into new states of being faster than any other method out there.

It will feel like you’ve been given the keys to a new way of operating life.


Get a complete guide on the most common energetic patterns that I see holding clients back and how to release them.

(You won’t find this anywhere else!!)


Learn the deeper mechanics of manifestation and how to apply them to your life for even faster changes in your reality.

No generic affirmations, rituals, or basic visualization exercises here.


Learn how to execute tangible steps to up-level your reality on a daily basis.


You can never operate in life the same way ever again after QSA because it’s like being handed a guide to life.

YOU become your own coach and begin to hear and trust your intuition easily.


This is the most foundational blueprint that will tie every other modality together and deepen your practices.

You will understand the deeper mechanics of why other modalities work and how to make them all work together.


Learn the deeper secrets of the Universe and how to apply them in practical terms to transform your life.


Listen to the Success Stories of Past QSA Students


“This program is worth years of therapy”

It has been the most transformative course I’ve ever taken in my life, and I’ve tried various forms of therapy, including talk therapy, Reiki, and other courses. 

It has opened so many doors and completely changed my life for the better. I cannot recommend it enough to anyone looking for real transformation and personal growth.


“It is impossible not to upgrade if you follow this process.”

When I joined the program, my only goal was to become the best version of myself. I had high expectations, but QSA over delivered in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

The benefits from all my practices – sound healing, Reiki, hypnotherapy – were magnified after going through the program. It’s like everything clicked into place. 

One of my biggest dreams in life was to become a speaker. I was working on it for a while and hoped that it would happen somewhere in the future. Less than 3 months in QSA I got invited to 2 different talks as a speaker! Paget helped me to release the power of my voice.


“If more people would do this program, the world would be such a different place.”

Before QSA, I wasn’t unhappy, but I wasn’t truly fulfilled either. I knew deep down that there was more to life, but I didn’t know how to tap into that potential. 

QSA became such a game-changer for me. I started to see the world in a different light, I realised that life can be easy and beautiful. 

Before joining the program, one of my main concerns was the financial aspect. But during these 3 months I got a huge unexpected raise and promotion at work, the program paid for itself even before it was over.


“Even months after the program I keep getting huge breakthroughs”

This program, these frequency clearings. practices are just pure gold, they are worth everything. 

I still use all the techniques that I got during the program. It helps me to upgrade and shift my reality every day.


“I was very sceptical before, but the changes are mind blowing”

I was extraordinarily sceptical about the program before taking it, hearing all these super positive reviews – everyone says such things about every course. 

I have over 20 years of experience in personal growth,  took many programs in the past, and I know how it works – you take the program, feel excited for a while – but as soon as it finishes you go back to your old self. 

QSA was a completely different experience. These changes feel permanent, they happened on a way deeper energetic level. 

Everyone says about their products ‘this course will change your life’. But I can testify about this one – it DOES change your life.


“QSA helped me to find my soul’s purpose”

Even though I was achieving things before in my life, everything felt dull and lifeless. Once I got into QSA, I got so much in touch with myself. I understood where my blockages are and how to get rid of them. 

I’ve been doing manifestation programs, expensive coaching work – but they were all the same. QSA is just different. It goes way deeper. Paget gives you the tools that you can use yourself for the rest of your life. 

After the program I started a new business, I’m following my soul’s purpose and I can’t thank QSA more.


“I shifted energetically into a new version of me”

Prior to taking the program I was unhappy and unfulfilled. I tried so many different tools – therapy, Reiki, but never had a chance to shift energetically in a deeper level. 

And this program changed it all. 

Now I feel like a new person, and even after the program is finished I keep using all the techniques I learnt and the support of the community.

With QSA, You’re Getting

Over $15,000

Worth of Content:

($6,999 Value)

Get 24 hours of educational content on the mechanics of the Universe and how reality really works. Watch 1 new pre-recorded video lesson every week for the 12 weeks of the program.

You will understand the deeper mechanics of why other modalities work and how to make them all work together.

($2,999 Value)

Access my entire library of 24 frequency clearings to eliminate all of your main energetic blocks from your field. Get 2 clearings every week for the 12 weeks of the program.

($1,999 Value)

After learning theory and releasing energy patterns, these reflections and journal prompts were designed to get you into action and resolve your triggers—for good.

($333 Value)

Powerful 11-day frequency clearing journey to integrate the work in QSA even deeper.

($1,999 Value)

Access to my best workshops around self-sabotage, self-confidence and relationships.

($777 Value)!

Get 1 year membership to Quantum Circle and benefit from exclusive frequency activation programs and LIVE group clearings for 12-months. Find out more about Quantum Circle here.



Pay in full at the best price with credit card or Paypal (all countries)

3 months payment


3-month payment plan with
credit card or Paypal

Buy Now Pay Later

“Buy now, Pay Later” options with Afterpay and Klarna (for US only)

THIS PROGRAM is for you if…



Frequently Asked Questions

Once you are enrolled, you’ll have instant access.

Hundreds of people have participated in this program in the past, and ALL of them have gotten results. If you follow the instructions in the program, you will experience your Quantum Shift.

It’s completely fine! The program is designed for both complete beginners and advanced individuals on a personal development journey. Most importantly, you don’t even have to believe in energy work to feel the effects. It just works.

This program focuses on the fundamentals of energy work and Universe manifestation techniques. Before creating it, I participated in numerous programs and worked with various specialists such as psychics and coaches. I designed this program to fill in the missing gaps left in those teachings.

QSA doesn’t interfere with any other practices; instead, it magnifies their effects by 10 times.

There are two main differences:

  • QSA works on your energy blueprint level, whereas most other programs only work on the subconscious or mind level.
  • QSA is a holistic system that teaches you how to live life fully, rather than focusing solely on one area.

Once you register for the program, no refunds are offered. Please make sure you are 100% committed!

Meditations work on your subconscious and conscious mind. While they can make you feel good, grounded in the moment, and even provide insights, they don’t delve deep enough to eliminate the blocks that are stuck on your energy blueprint level.

In frequency clearings, I tap into students’ energy fields and eliminate the roots of the blocks for good. The main difference is in the effect: for meditations, it’s temporary, but for clearings, it’s permanent

I don’t offer any 1:1 sessions. However, once you enroll in the program, you will have the opportunity to upgrade to the QSA Experience mastermind. It’s the same program but on hyper-speed. It includes bi-weekly clinics with Paget one 1:1 private quantum healing session that’s not available to the public.

Hey there!

If you’ve made it this far, that means you’re serious about enrolling.

I get it. You might have tried a bunch of stuff out there and got burned.

You might be worried it’s the same regurgitated, abstract content, just packaged differently.

Here’s the truth.

Quantum Shift Accelerator is my legacy. It’s my baby.

It’s a process, a system, a blueprint that I STILL use in my life to get through any challenges, any questions, and any situation to upgrade my energy and continue to be a match for BETTER in my life.

Sound too good to be true?

Let me make myself clear: This is NOT a magic pill. But this is THE formula to create real, deep changes in your reality.

It is a REAL, holistic, and repeatable system that you will continue to refer back to over and over again. For the rest of your life.

If you allow it, it can be the single biggest catalyst to changing your entire reality.

I’ve heard one too many times from former QSAers that their lives will never be the same again. 

I want that to be you, too.

BUT I’m not promising you it’s going to be easy. 
There will be times when you’ll feel challenged.

And if someone’s telling you something different? -That quantum shifting is just about healing childhood trauma and rewiring your mind?
–it’s NOT going deep or wide enough. It’s not giving you the deep truth of what it takes to truly shift your energetic state of being.

Don’t worry–you don’t need to become a master meditator or have a degree in quantum physics. But you do need to understand how the physical, energetic, and mindset work together to create your reality.

And once you “get it”, you will never be able to look back.

This is a process that ANYONE can use–regardless of your background, age, gender, or education.

But do you want it enough?

Are you ready to unlock that new reality?

Are you ready to shed what’s holding you back at a deeper level?

Do you want to embody that empowered creator within you?

If you are committed, fed up with your current reality, and truly desiring deep change–you’re in exactly the right place.

I’ve BEEN at the lowest of the lows. I’ve spent over a decade and thousands upon thousands of dollars on different modalities and programs and healings, hoping that someone would wave a magic wand and gift me a new life.

I wanted it to be that simple.

I wanted it to be that easy.

But that was me looking for solutions from a place of disempowerment. 

From a place of…”I need someone else to help me”

This process is all about putting the power back in YOUR hands, and showing you how to do it.

Because it IS all up to YOU. It ALL starts with that critical point in your life when you DECIDE. When you say to yourself, “Yeah, I DO want more. Yeah, I AM ready and willing to do whatever it takes to shift out of this limited reality.”

When YOU take it into your own hands and make that critical decision…That’s when magic happens.

That’s when your higher self comes online and shows you the next steps.

So, the only question is…Are you ready?

I hope you are.
I hope I can be part of this journey with you and shortcut your process of change by years if not decades.

I hope I can be part of your quantum shift into the reality you truly deserve.

But if you haven’t done that, some things might be stopping you.

You might be worried that this is just another program that overpromises, with nothing changing you for at the end of it.

I hear you. Let me ask you this:

If you had to choose a dentist, which one would you see? The one that has healthy teeth or the one with bad teeth? 

Most likely you’d choose the first one. And the reason for this is because you wanna choose the specialist who walks their talk—and can help YOU walk your walk. 

Someone who knows your problems (because they’ve been there), and someone who knows the solutions. 

And that is exactly the reason why hundreds of students have trusted me and joined the Quantum Shift Accelerator. 

You know by now the story of how I made my Quantum Shift in 2023. From barely making $2k a month, super lost, not knowing my purpose, to today: I’m now a 7-figure spiritual entrepreneur who gets to her purpose out every day. 

In QSA, I’ll be teaching the exact strategies I applied to make this happen: I’ll show you every step, and outline every challenge you’ll face on the way to a Quantum Shift. I’ll show you how to make it work on every level with your energy clearings, your mindset and your actions.

By the way, I know my story might seem like a fluke.

“Oh, she just got lucky.” “Well, it happened to her, but it will never happen to me.”

I want to gently call you out here: This is just a lie you tell yourself to keep yourself safe. How many times have you said this before?

Listen: I don’t want my story to be unique. I want to teach this system to as many people as possible so they can have their own Quantum Shift ,too. 

I want teach you how to rediscover that truth within you. For people around you to look at you in a span of a few months saying “How did they do it?!”

I’m telling you now. This is not only possible, but INEVITABLE once you join QSA.

Stop seeing that dream life in your visions. Start seeing it in your reality.

Stop seeing that dream life in your visions. Start seeing it in your reality. 

Your story

Landed a new job out of nowhere
The biggest shift in the smallest amount of time
Business grew more than I could ever imagine
All my health issues disappeared
Got a gift of a new life
Got a sense of confidence and peace